We have the ability to learn so
much from people, to extract their knowledge, feelings, attitudes, thoughts,
and words. We also have the power to accept or reject this ability. We can sit
and listen, but listen solely to regurgitate a response or a reply. Or we can
sit and listen for the sake of truly listening, of absorbing the raw words, the
spectrum of emotions, and beautiful thoughts that come pouring out of the human
being sitting beside us. To listen and respond is an act of conversation, but
an act of conversation that I believe our society has adopted, set up, and
locked in as a norm. We converse in an arid manner, being sure that the next
words that fall from our tongues and lips will be the right ones. We ask each
other, “How are you?”, many times in passing, and the responses and answers are
almost always the exact same. Do we ever truthfully respond and say, “You know
what, I’m actually having a really rough day”? No. Because that would entail
engaging into deeper conversation, and we just don’t have the time or the
genuine interest for that. At least not in today’s society.
I cherish greatly the act of
truthful conversation. And I cherish greatly those who engage in it with me.
It’s such a beautiful thing to truly see someone, to hear their raw emotions
and thoughts being spoken, and to see the sentiments and passions fall upon
their face. When you truly speak to someone, you realize the honest beauty of
human connection and interaction.
Some people you meet just get you.
They understand you completely and are right there on the same page with you.
Conversations have no time limit because you are both carried away in the flow
of such vulnerable human emotion and speech. You’re able to feel each other and
support one another, challenge each other and disagree with one other. You’re
able to unpack the sheer mysteries and controversies of our existing life on Earth
together. You’re able to pick out the inconsistencies and faults of our society
and generation and discuss how we as humans have simply forgotten how to live.
You’re able to appreciate this life for what it is.
When you find these people, hold on
to them. Hold on to them, or let them go. Because people appear and disappear. It
is the natural ebb and flow of life. If it is meant to be, keep them amongst
you and beside you and allow them to enrich you. But if it is fleeting, allow
it to be fleeting. Don’t force anything that doesn’t seem right or that isn’t
meant to happen. Accept their willingness to stay or graciously allow for their
departure. Sometimes we can only hold onto these people for so long, so let
them teach you everything they are meant to teach you. Let them figure you out,
let them ask you questions, let them hear your opinions and realizations, and
let them appreciate you for both your beauty and your flaws. Let them marvel at
your goals, dreams, and passions. Because not all of them will be around as
each upcoming day arrives. So learn from them and teach them and embark on a
conversational and experiential journey with them. There is no chance or
coincidence amongst their presence, so go forth and allow them to enlighten you
and allow yourself to become one of life’s teachers. No matter what, you will
both have an impact on each other that will most likely never be forgotten.
Even when you no longer have the physical presence of this person, keep them
tight within your heart, close within your mind, and lingering at the tip of
your tongue. Let them inspire you.