Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Only Constant Is Change

What if my passion was to
Work for something
Other than
Something other than
A static timeline,
Dodging the carefully placed
Footsteps of everyone else?
What if the natural wonders
In the corners of this world
Enchant me more than
The flash photography of
A glamorous life designed
And predestined
For me?
What if the eclectic,
The unusual,
The beautifully imperfect
Somehow attract me
And teach me that just because
Everyone else is walking
One way,
I don’t have to follow?

What if when everyone told me to
Get lost in systemic monotony,
I chose to get lost in the freedom of wilderness
What if when everyone told me to
Listen to the chattering of
Life’s stagnant followers,
I chose to believe that
The only constant is
Actually change?
What if when everyone told me to
Fear death,
I instead chose to take life
By the hand
And piece its events
Into tiny miracles?

What if I want to
Go somewhere new,
Do something new,
Think something new?
How strange it is to live
In a world where we
March onward,
Disregarding our hearts
And straying from
The roots of who we are.

To rebel is to exist
As you are
Rather than
Replicating your soul
To fit the mold.
To rebel is to
Have the gumption to
Shatter the paradigm;
To care when it is not
Amongst popular vote
To care;
To reject chronic
To question everything
Without being cynical.

My rebellion is to
Fully commit to