Saturday, March 28, 2015

a few of my favorite things.

^^my ohio sunset a few nights ago^^

lately i've been trying my hardest to unplug more and more before bed to have a better night's sleep. however, i was never one to count sheep. when i find my mind wandering (which often times leads to worrying), i count things that make me happy. i always have those cliche happiness items in there, but my favorites are the ones you don't often stop and think about. there truly isn't anything better than falling asleep with sweet thoughts floating through your head.

here are a few of my favorites....


1. the moment the lights shut off right before a concert. 

2. waking up on the morning of your birthday. 

3. being in a location that enables you to see the stars perfectly. 

4. the second you feel the wheels on the plane touch down at your destination. 

5. looking out at the ocean, unable to see where it ends, and realizing how tiny you are. 

6. pulling back the covers from a perfectly made bed & crawling in for the night. 

7. hearing a new song from one of your favorite artists for the first time. 

8. the sight of fireflies on hot summer nights. 

9. the smell of old books. 

10. walking through untouched snow or sand. 


what makes you so very happy?


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