Monday, July 30, 2018

Wake Up to the Real World

The college thing is over and I went and got me little self a B.A. in Human Services with a double minor in Social Work + Spanish. I’ve been known to have curiosity for how our everyday actions and ever-changing political policies connect to the inequalities, deficits, suffering, discrimination, and exploitation that rock our globe.

Yet, I had never picked up the phone to call a Senator or opened my laptop to email a Representative until now.

Never had I ever contacted the White House.

Nor had I made tedious connections between the benefits and ramifications of United States’ intervention in foreign countries.

Sure, I understood this controversial topic to the extent that which many people who stay informed do; but it was not until things were taken to a personal and individual level that I discovered the more accurate truths to our global realities.

It wasn’t until I discovered that politics is too important to be left only to politicians that I took my political responsibility seriously.

Let’s go back: I must say, Loyola induced critical thinking upon all students who professed interest in the humanities and the sociological aspects of what we call our current social reality. Critical and analytical thinking became a daily ritual, and I will forever appreciate learning to balance well-intentioned questioning/curiosity with ill-intentioned skepticism/suspicion/rejection. There’s a happy medium on the spectrum there.

But it’s the initial step of walking ourselves onto that intimidating platform that delivers empowerment. Then we can create balance.


Ask those questions you’ve been mulling over. Or write them down. Relieve rumination through speech. Engage in conversation and discuss your curiosities on specific topics. Ask what, why, and how. Ask why and how, again. Maybe even a third time. Gather multiple perspectives. There’s no growth within stifling comfort zones, and there’s no change when we actively remain stagnant.

It’s those extra little steps that change the dynamic of this globe from hopelessness to hopefulness. It is the effort to understand and make connections. It is you taking advantage of your voice, your rights, and your individual – but highly important – role in our government and community.

All of this is to say that there’s really only a certain capacity to which you can grow inside the walls of the classroom. Despite an animated and passionate professor, or thoughtful research papers, or engaged learning, or truly mind-blowing information, there comes a time when personal experience deems more beneficial and constructive than formal education.

Despite the expanse of knowledge I procured from university education, I have found newfound growth since graduation. No profound epiphanies or drastic life changes, but simply a new way of observing, thinking, and understanding. My mind now moves in alignment with an interrelated and always connected globe, rather than with a parceled package of unrelated occurrences.

To be clear, this shift is not a result of now living in ‘the real world’, because I believe this all to be the real world, every stage of life. I get what people are trying to elicit from this phrase, but the expression is simply – and sadly – an embodiment of a societal design that promises and expects one tidy timeline for all, with boxes to check for every mile marker accomplished.

Get. It. Done.

…the American Dream…maybe?...

I call BS.

To me, this phrase is a front, a scare tactic that seems to suck the joy out of what may lay ahead, out of who we may grow into as a person, out of our freedom to choose a life of our own. Societal pressure to be a certain someone and do a certain something is brutal.

If this is the ‘real world’, no thanks. I’ll take a life of fulfillment, a life equally as real. And I will welcome challenge with open arms.

Anyway, I must say that part of my growth and alignment can be attributed to my current internship. Enter: The Borgen Project. As a lil intern, I help to to raise funding for this nonprofit, an organization with the dedicated vision to help eradicate global poverty through advocacy and mobilizing. (I also do this thing called writing, which is my actual job there lol).

And, truth be told, I am so excited to be a part of this movement. This phase is a small step toward pursuing personal interest and curiosity while simultaneously putting my studies into action. Alignment.
As an intern here, I am looking for every way to contribute to this huge undertaking called global poverty, and I really, truly, and sincerely cannot do this without you! This spiel was an assortment of thoughts that has finally reached a main point: a proposal for all you out there in cyberspace to take a peek at The Borgen Project’s website and at my personal fundraising page in order to explore their mission just a bit more.

I am currently participating in a friendly competition with my fellow volunteers to see whose “tribe” can raise the most money for poverty-reduction efforts. Our tribes are defined as the important people in our lives, whether a childhood friend, a favorite relative or a kind-hearted co-worker. Tribes are the people who matter to us and it goes without saying that I consider you all a very important part of my own tribe.

On that note, I want my tribe to blaze trails! And more importantly I want to see how much money I can raise for poverty-reduction efforts. I am reaching out to you and the rest of my tribe this week, in the hope that you can help me reach my goal of raising at least $500 for the world’s poor.

If anything, let this inspire you to use your voice and to let your freedoms empower you. We have the power to rewrite stories, or, at the very least, tack on some happy endings.

But, if you do feel in alignment with any of this, I’d love to join forces. Today, I’m wondering if you can join me in one or both ways below:

  1. Donate. It’s quick, simple and a great way for us to fight this fight together. You can either write a check or donate at

  1. Mobilize. I really want to multiply my impact and it’s going to take all hands on deck to succeed. Even if you just reach out to a few people and find one or two individuals to contribute, that would greatly help!

Anything you can do to donate or help me mobilize would be so very appreciated.

Not everyone enjoys long posts, but I rendered it imperative that you know my thoughts behind what this organization has not only given the world, but me. I want you to know why I back it…even if it does require a small novel.

Any questions about all this? Please ask. I would love to chat. You know where to find me! Xx

P.S. Contact your Senators and Representatives…they’re waiting to hear from you and what issues you stand behind!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Only Constant Is Change

What if my passion was to
Work for something
Other than
Something other than
A static timeline,
Dodging the carefully placed
Footsteps of everyone else?
What if the natural wonders
In the corners of this world
Enchant me more than
The flash photography of
A glamorous life designed
And predestined
For me?
What if the eclectic,
The unusual,
The beautifully imperfect
Somehow attract me
And teach me that just because
Everyone else is walking
One way,
I don’t have to follow?

What if when everyone told me to
Get lost in systemic monotony,
I chose to get lost in the freedom of wilderness
What if when everyone told me to
Listen to the chattering of
Life’s stagnant followers,
I chose to believe that
The only constant is
Actually change?
What if when everyone told me to
Fear death,
I instead chose to take life
By the hand
And piece its events
Into tiny miracles?

What if I want to
Go somewhere new,
Do something new,
Think something new?
How strange it is to live
In a world where we
March onward,
Disregarding our hearts
And straying from
The roots of who we are.

To rebel is to exist
As you are
Rather than
Replicating your soul
To fit the mold.
To rebel is to
Have the gumption to
Shatter the paradigm;
To care when it is not
Amongst popular vote
To care;
To reject chronic
To question everything
Without being cynical.

My rebellion is to
Fully commit to

Monday, November 13, 2017

Simplicity Ain't So Simple

Lately, I have been challenging inquiries whose answers I am not sure I will ever grasp in full. Like, who I am, who I want to be, what I believe in, and that which I can alter in my thoughts, actions, and daily way of life to provide the greatest welfare for not only myself, but for other human beings, non-human animals, the untouched wilderness, and our environment in whole. But life is dynamic, it shifts and it strays from plan; and I believe my answers to these questions will shift in alignment as time passes.

Ironically, the philosophy that is giving me the greatest cognitive dissonance is simultaneously the one I pursue with the most fervor. I advocate for a life of simplicity primarily for the sake of the empirical fact that overconsumption causes a myriad of social issues and injustices.

Our food production system is destroying our environment -- it drives and encourages climate change, it shamelessly murders innocent non-human animal lives, and it creates byproducts detrimental to human health; our need for instant gratification and fast fashion contributes to cheap labor/unfair wages and maltreatment of workers abroad; our oppression of nature aligns greatly with the oppression of minorities; and our ignorance for food waste, landfills, and the reality of recycling is a deliberate disregard to a global population that doesn't have the privilege to waste. 

For these reasons, and for many more, I deeply reject this consumerist and materialistic nation we live in. For these reasons, and for many more, I have implemented simplification into my life. Not only are we trying to combat social issues, but simplicity removes excess in a way that shifts focus onto exploration into parts of life that I find more profound and worthwhile of my time.

The problem is, just the mere fact that I am talking about simplifying my life comes from a place of privilege. I come from a nation that has such a disordered and unhealthy mentality of/relationship with production and consumption, that overconsumption has become a national emergency, despite what our political leaders and industries might claim. 

Our national population’s human health is declining at a frightening pace, but living in a state of sickness and toxicity, of exhaustion and dissatisfaction, has become the norm for us. Our need for more is not only destroying the natural beauty and the lives of both humans and animals within our borders, but we have involved the rest of the globe, who is consequently left to battle the severe ramifications of life under our reign. 

How much more will we produce just because we can/have the means to before we realize we are destroying both ourselves and our fellow inhabitants in all facets of life?

We, as a privileged nation, are exploiting the rest of the world to reap benefits for ourselves, for we have the affluence to over-consume, leaving the rest of the world to under-consume. And I, as a privileged human being, must realize that my capacity to reduce the amount of things and stuff in my life; to choose where I want to buy my food from; to make conscious clothing choices; to adopt a specific diet and have access to these foods whenever I need/want them; to give old and unused items to charity; and to choose to over-consume if I feel so inclined all place me within a state and a status in which a majority of the human population does not identify with.

So, despite how deeply I believe a simplistic lifestyle will grant the greatest global benefits, it is a sensitive subject. When I advocate for this, I am calling to an audience with privileged roots, for it does not particularly pertain to the masses. A small percentage of the population is those that exploit, while the rest suffer under the burden of this exploitation.

This is not me preaching down to others from a privileged high-horse or to create an 'us vs. them' dichotomy, but rather a call for awareness, so that we may all equally appear in alignment when it comes to wellbeing and quality of life. A call for simplicity is a call to end a culture of over-consumption that exterminates earthly life and the quality with which it can be lived. Every decision made is either in support of or rejection of excess production and consumption. 

The majority already lives a simplistic life, but not by choice. For some, simple is survival.  For others, simple is something one aspires to achieve after exposure to a life of opportunity, resources, and privilege (whether it be due to race, gender, socioeconomic status, birthplace, or other social barriers/advantages), and ultimately renders the culture of consumerism to be unappealing and/or unsustainable. 

So, to downsize your house; to sell your car and opt for public transportation; to minimize the amount of junk or clutter or ‘things’ in your household; to opt for a healthier diet in which you can selectively choose from which stores you want to buy food; to cut out excess projects/material accumulations that suck up precious time and money; to think of education with such nonchalance/to have the choice of whether or not to attend, IS ALL PRIVILEGE.

In conclusion, I still strongly believe simplicity can provide universal benefit. Yet, please, recognize that if you can even think about simplifying your life, you are privileged. Please, recognize that the majority of our human population is not in this situation whatsoever. Please, recognize that the greatest reason for which I advocate this is to help balance the dissonance between global production and consumption ramifications, to help reduce cheap labor and worker maltreatment, to protect our poor planet from further inconceivable exploitation, and to lessen the injustice upon human rights that occurs at the hands of our constant demand for more. I don’t think it is wrong to put simplicity into practice, but we must first acknowledge the privilege that is innately and inevitably interlaced with it.

And please, don’t hide behind the blanket of ignorance that big industry provides for us; educate yourself on better options and alternatives, for the demand of individuals will ultimately drive and transform the inner workings of our national production and consumption habits.

We seem to be stuck in such rigid, mindless routines, so approach daily decisions with a new attitude. Remove mindless choices and recognize your reasons behind why you do what you do. Let gratitude -- not fear of the unknown -- rule you.